Hosted ByAblaze Family Ministries

ENKINDLE: Family Scripture Reflections is a weekly family scripture reflection podcast designed for families with kids in elementary school and up.

Short and practical scripture reflections on the Sunday Mass readings draw families deeper into the Word of God. The messages are easy to digest, practical, and made for the whole family to enjoy.

ENKINDLE is offered as a service of Ablaze Family Ministries

You can listen to ENKINDLE with your favorite app directly, using the buttons below or by copying and pasting in https://www.numinous.fm/feed/enkindle/ into your favorite podcast player.

Visit https://www.numinous.fm/enkindletopics for a list of episodes by topic.

All Episodes

Enkindle 26 – 11.15.2020 – Sharing Our Talents

Deacon Steve Sarnecki shares how God is telling each of that he has made us on purpose, with a purpose, and that the gifts he gives to us are never meant for us to be hoarded or hidden

Enkindle 25 – 11.08.2020 – Burning Brightly

Reflection for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2020. Fr. Erik Arnold shares how God wants us to live each day with our faith, love and good works burning brightly in our life. SHOW LINKS: Readings for the 32nd...

Enkindle 24 – 11.01.2020 – Becoming Saints

Taylor Schroll of Forte Catholic shows us that not only is God calling each of us to become saints, but that he’s also so good to us that he gives us everything we need along the journey.

Enkindle 23 – 10.25.2020 One Simple Thing

Deacon Steve Sarnecki shares that instead of focusing on all of the things we can and can’t do, and whether or not our friends and family are following the commandments, we should do the one simple thing that Jesus asks of us: love God and love our neighbor.

Enkindle 22 – 10.18.2020 – You are Mine

All of creation can show us something about God, but every single human has His image stamped into them. Whether they know it or not, and whether they like it or not, every human is made in the image...

Enkindle 21 – 10.11.2020 – Rooted in Our Hearts

It’s often easy to think about God’s great generosity and then forget that he also expects us to do our part. In this reflection Kristen Fisher shows us that taking God’s love deep into our hearts changes our behavior, helps us to take responsibility for our actions, and transforms us into new creations.

Enkindle 20 – 10.04.2020 – Uncomfortable

In this reflection Javier Plumey shows how the Lord uses the image of a vineyard to remind us that we have turned away from God, rejected the message of his messengers, even to the point of killing his own son, and that despite this God loves us and shows us the path back to him.

Enkindle 19 – 09.27.2020 Because He Loves Us

This family scripture reflection for the 26th week of Ordinary Time helps us to see how much God loves us and that he came down to Earth to show us his love that we may have eternal life.

Enkindle 18 – 09.20.2020 Ridiculously Generous

Kristen Fisher shares how reflecting on God’s goodness and generosity helps us to put aside feelings of jealousy and the fear that we are missing out.