Enkindle 88 – 01.09.22 – Ultimate Crossover Event

In this reflection for the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Javier Plumey takes a look at the incredible event of the Baptism of the Lord, and reminds us that just as the baptism of Jesus introduced to the world Jesus as the son of God, so too does our own baptism announce to the world, physical and spiritual, that we are children of the Father.

From St. Gregory:

Illumination [baptism] is the splendour of souls, the conversion of the life, the question put to the Godward conscience. It is the aid to our weakness, the renunciation of the flesh, the following of the Spirit, the fellowship of the Word, the improvement of the creature, the overwhelming of sin, the participation of light, the dissolution of darkness. It is the carriage to God, the dying with Christ, the perfecting of the mind, the bulwark of Faith, the key of the Kingdom of heaven, the change of life, the removal of slavery, the loosing of chains, the remodelling of the whole man. Why should I go into further detail? Illumination is the greatest and most magnificent of the Gifts of God. For just as we speak of the Holy of Holies, and the Song of Songs, as more comprehensive and more excellent than others, so is this called Illumination, as being more holy than any other illumination which we possess.”

St. Gregory the Theologian, Oration 40.1


The Baptism of the Lord

The new Playbook for the Spiritual Life Series on setusablaze.tv. Learn from the wisdom of St. Ignatius and his Rules of Discernment. Watch the trailer and then use the coupon code PLAYBOOKENKINDLE25 to save 25% on the purchase of the this life-changing series.

We are proud to present this new series in collaboration with Fr. Timothy Gallagher, O.M.V., known as “America’s preeminent writer on Ignatian spiritual direction and discernment,” and Catholic University of America’s head football coach, Mike Gutelius.

Playbook for the Spiritual Life: Ignatius’ 14 Rules for Discernment is an engaging, comprehensive, and accessible introduction to St. Ignatius’ famous 14 rules, designed to help disciples of all ages open their hearts and hear the Lord’s voice as they navigate the spiritual life. Ready to buy? Use this special link for Enkindle listeners to immediately apply the coupon to your cart.


Javier Plumey
Founder at Numinous FM | Website

Owner of Numinous FM, science fiction writer, worship leader, IT Architect, theorist, grammarian, iOS developer, move and shaker.

About the Author
Owner of Numinous FM, science fiction writer, worship leader, IT Architect, theorist, grammarian, iOS developer, move and shaker.