Enkindle 87 – 01.02.22 – Light in the Darkness

In this reflection for the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, 2022, Meg Hunter-Kilmer inspires us to imagine the scene at the manger when the magi came in fulfillment of prophecies, and to gaze in awe at the Light which has been brought into the world: the light of Jesus himself.

This epiphany, let us come before Jesus and the Blessed Sacrament at Mass and worship him as the magi did, as the shepherds did, as the angels did. Let’s kneel before him with all the wonder and awe of Bethlehem, and let’s offer him the gift of our lives saying, “Jesus, I want to belong completely to you.”


The Epiphany of the Lord

Learn more about Meg Hunter-Kilmer

The new Playbook for the Spiritual Life Series on setusablaze.tv. Learn from the wisdom of St. Ignatius and his Rules of Discernment. Watch the trailer and then use the coupon code PLAYBOOKENKINDLE25 to save 25% on the purchase of the this life-changing series.

We are proud to present this new series in collaboration with Fr. Timothy Gallagher, O.M.V., known as “America’s preeminent writer on Ignatian spiritual direction and discernment,” and Catholic University of America’s head football coach, Mike Gutelius.

Playbook for the Spiritual Life: Ignatius’ 14 Rules for Discernment is an engaging, comprehensive, and accessible introduction to St. Ignatius’ famous 14 rules, designed to help disciples of all ages open their hearts and hear the Lord’s voice as they navigate the spiritual life. Ready to buy? Use this special link for Enkindle listeners to immediately apply the coupon to your cart.


Meg Hunter-Kilmer
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Contributor for Enkindle: Family Scripture Reflections

Meg Hunter-Kilmer is an itinerant missionary and storyteller who travels the world telling people about the fierce and tender love of God. You can read more of her work in Saints Around the World (an international Saint storybook for children) or Pray for Us: 75 Saints who Sinned, Suffered, and Struggled on Their Way to Holiness.

About the Author
Contributor for Enkindle: Family Scripture Reflections Meg Hunter-Kilmer is an itinerant missionary and storyteller who travels the world telling people about the fierce and tender love of God. You can read more of her work in Saints Around the World (an international Saint storybook for children) or Pray for Us: 75 Saints who Sinned, Suffered, and Struggled on Their Way to Holiness.