In this reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent, Gaudete Sunday, 2021, Kristen Fisher shows how the Gospel this week is all about Joy, which doesn’t come from having stuff, and that we can only get it from the Lord as he comes to dwell in our midst, not just in the world in general, but in the very depths of each of us.
We find in the lives of the saints all throughout the past 2000 years, we find sick people, imprisoned people, suffering people full of joy, because joy is not about what’s going on around us. It’s about who has come to live inside of us. This is the whole point. Jesus is coming. He came at Christmas 2000 years ago.
The Third Sunday of Advent, 2021
The new Playbook for the Spiritual Life Series on Learn from the wisdom of St. Ignatius and his Rules of Discernment. Watch the trailer and then use the coupon code PLAYBOOKENKINDLE25 to save 25% on the purchase of the this life-changing series.
We are proud to present this new series in collaboration with Fr. Timothy Gallagher, O.M.V., known as “America’s preeminent writer on Ignatian spiritual direction and discernment,” and Catholic University of America’s head football coach, Mike Gutelius.
Playbook for the Spiritual Life: Ignatius’ 14 Rules for Discernment is an engaging, comprehensive, and accessible introduction to St. Ignatius’ famous 14 rules, designed to help disciples of all ages open their hearts and hear the Lord’s voice as they navigate the spiritual life. Ready to buy? Use this special link for Enkindle listeners to immediately apply the coupon to your cart.