Enkindle 57 – 06.13.21 – Small Seeds and Big Plans

In this reflection for the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Deacon Steve Sarnecki shares a story of small seeds and big plans to remind us that if we have faith enough to trust him, God has amazing plans for us.


Readings for Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2021


Deacon Steve Sarnecki
Deacon at St. Lawrence Martyr | + EPISODES

Deacon Steve Sarnecki is a Deacon for the Archdiocese of Baltimore. He is a degreed Chemical Engineer, with an MBA and a Masters in Management, as well as, a Masters in Theology, and he founded SALT (Mt 5:13) Ministries - a grassroots outreach to the hungry, homeless and lonely. Deacon Steve also serves on the Board of Trustees for the Franciscan Center of Baltimore.

About the Author
Deacon Steve Sarnecki is a Deacon for the Archdiocese of Baltimore. He is a degreed Chemical Engineer, with an MBA and a Masters in Management, as well as, a Masters in Theology, and he founded SALT (Mt 5:13) Ministries - a grassroots outreach to the hungry, homeless and lonely. Deacon Steve also serves on the Board of Trustees for the Franciscan Center of Baltimore.