Enkindle 151 – 03.26.23 – Faith and Feelings

For the 5th Sunday of Lent, Fr. Erik Arnold shows us how we battle with feelings and faith, and that Jesus encourages us to let our faith lead us.

We battle between these two things, faith and feelings, and very often in the middle of that battle, as we’re wrestling with it in daily life, we can let our feelings win out. And if we’re really sad or if we’re really upset, or if we’re filled with joy and on top of the world, all of our feelings very often can direct the way that we act.

Our feelings often get in the driver’s seat and they take us where they want to go. But Jesus says to Martha and to us, “I know you have all of these feelings, but let your faith lead you.”


Readings for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, 2023

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Also on Numinous FM: Listen to our interview with AME Bishop Frank Reid III


Fr. Erik Arnold
Contributor: Enkindle

Rev. Arnold was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Baltimore in 1999 and serves as pastor at St. John the Evangelist, Maryland. He earned a Licentiate in Sacred Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University and is ChristLife's liaison to Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore. He has served as a speaker for ChristLife, an evangelization ministry in Maryland.

About the Author
Contributor: Enkindle
Rev. Arnold was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Baltimore in 1999 and serves as pastor at St. John the Evangelist, Maryland. He earned a Licentiate in Sacred Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University and is ChristLife's liaison to Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore. He has served as a speaker for ChristLife, an evangelization ministry in Maryland.