Redeemer 20 – Sign Post to Jesus

Sr. Briege McKenna, OSC

We talk with Sr. Briege McKenna, O.S.C., internationally renown author and speaker about her healing, her ministry of healing and prayer, her work with popes, priests, and bishops, her connection to the Marian Servants, the power of prayer, and her command of the English language.


  • 00:01:04 – Sister Briege’s Bio
  • 00:03:26 – Sister Briege and the Marian Servants
  • 00:06:04 – Stories from her work in ministry (Popes Francis and John Paul II, Mother Theresa, and more)
  • 00:20:56 – Sister Briege’s Books
  • 00:30:09 – Prayer
  • 00:51:03 – Story about the Blessed Sacrament
Sister Briege and St. John Paul II

Sister Briege and Pope Francis
Sister Briege and Mother Teresa of Calcutta


Sr. Briege McKenna, O.S.C.
Website | + EPISODES
Sr. Briege McKenna, O.S.C. was born in Ireland and entered the Sisters of St. Clare at the age of fifteen. Following her final vows and after suffering for more than three years with rheumatoid arthritis, she was transferred to her community in Tampa, Florida with the hope that the Florida sunshine would relieve her suffering. At the age of twenty-four, she was miraculously and instantaneously healed during the celebration of the Eucharist and some time later received, in prayer, the gift of healing for which she has become so widely known. In 1974, again during prayer, she was given a deep spiritual insight into the mystery of the call to priesthood. Since then, bishops and priests in many parts of the world have invited her to speak and minister at their retreats and conferences.
Sr. Briege ministered to priests in collaboration with Fr. Kevin Scallon, CM for over forty-two years until his death in June 2018. She now continues with this ministry. Her books “Miracles Do Happen” and “The Power of the Sacraments” have been translated into many languages throughout the world.
Adam Novotny
Director at MARIAN SERVANTS® of the Redeemer | [email protected] | + EPISODES

Host of Redeemer, Contributor at Enkindle: Family Scripture Reflections

Adam holds a Masters in Catechetics and Evangelization from Franciscan University. He is a certified spiritual director steeped in Ignatian spirituality. Both he and his wife serve as Directors of the Marian Servants of the Redeemer, a public association of the Christian faithful, living out Marian virtue, as well as serving as Liaisons to the charismatic renewal for the archdiocese of Baltimore. Adam is a council member for Pentecost Today USA. In his spare time, he works a full time job as Director of Operations at St John the Evangelist Church, Severna Park.

Holly Novotny

Holly Novotny is a convert to the Catholic faith and a wife and mother. A Lifetime Marian Servant, Holly embraces a Rule of Life focused on holiness, obedience, and humble service. As a graduate of the Cenacle School of Spirituality, in affiliation with Franciscan University of Steubenville, she holds a Certificate of Spiritual Direction and accompanies others in their spiritual journey and through the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.

Javier Plumey
Founder at Numinous FM | Website | + EPISODES

Owner of Numinous FM, science fiction writer, worship leader, IT Architect, theorist, grammarian, iOS developer, move and shaker.